Shopping Guide

Returns and exchanges

About returns and exchanges

Please note, that we cannot accept returns or exchanges in the following cases:
More than 8 days have passed since delivery.
Worn items (except for trying on).
Stained or damaged items.
Processed (e.g., raised hem) or washed items.
Hygiene items including inner-wear, socks, masks, etc.
Items missing parts.
Items purchased at our physical stores.
Promotion or sale items.
Items, which are excluded from exchange or refunds. 

Additional notes: If you wish to return or exchange an item, please contact our Customer Center within 8 days of goods arrival.
If you return the goods without prior notice, we reserve the right to refuse the return/exchange.
When returning the product, please include all tags and paperwork in the package and return it in the original condition.
Please include the goods package (bag, box, etc.) in the condition in which it was delivered, and pack the goods in such a way that it will not be damaged during return.

Return address
Chiba 270-1360
1-2 Izumino, Inzai City, Chiba
Prologis Park Chiba New Town 5F Verse 29
Yohji Yamamoto Inc.
Returns Department

About returns and exchange methods

If the delivered goods are defective, dirty or damaged, we will refund the applicable goods price & shipping fee.
 Please contact us Here

About refund


Please note, that it takes about 14 days from the confirmation of the arrival of the goods to the completion of refund procedure.

[A] When paying by credit card
If you purchased with a credit card, we will process the refund through the credit card company after the returned goods arrives. Please note, that the timing of refund depends on the credit card company. 
Depending on the credit card company, the refund may not be offset in time due to the payment settlement conditions of the customer.
If you have any questions about refunds, please check with your credit card company.